Ear candling available
$ 25
Brand New
4 years ago | 24144 views
36 Tallawalla St, Beverly Hills NSW 2209, Australia, null, Australia
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Ear canding available..

Some of the other proposed benefits of ear candling include:

* Removing wax, bacteria, and other debris from the ear canal.
* Treating sinus infections.
* Improving hearing or reversing hearing loss.
* Relieving sore throats.
* Treating colds and flus.
* Relieving headaches and migraines.
* Improving mental clarity.
* Purifying the blood.

cupping/ventosa available $25 only

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Ear candling available
$ 25
Brand New
4 years ago | 24144 views
36 Tallawalla St, Beverly Hills NSW 2209, Australia, null, Australia
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