honda cr-v 2001 manual
$ 2000
5 years ago | 10295 views
300 Hume Hwy, Liverpool NSW 2170, Australia, Australia
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Need gone asap/ i'm after a smaller car.
-low price as the rego is about to expire next month
-Manual transmission(Smooth-shifting)
-no mechanical issue
-good running condition
...   -immaculate interior
-cold ac/bluetooth player/Loud speaker
-2 keys with manual
-2 extra wheels(1 reserve 1 stock alloy)
-Tyre 70%
-Well maintained
-Service log book
-sunroof working
-all windows working
-Few scratches around the edges but still presentable
-Only issue is that there is a rubber in the front axel that come loose making noise. Doesn't affect the performance of the car. Just need to cut it off. Don't have time to go to mechanic.

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honda cr-v 2001 manual
$ 2000
5 years ago | 10295 views
300 Hume Hwy, Liverpool NSW 2170, Australia, Australia
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